The Steadings

Fire Station Roundabout and Midland Road Love Lane Junction. Update No. 4 – November 2024.

news update

Midland Road / Love Lane Junction

The main works are being carried out on the second (northern) side of Midland Road with some final services/utilities diversion works to be completed on the first (southern) side.

Over the next two weeks, there will be some overnight works and closures to Midland Road and Love Lane between 2 – 14 December from 8pm to 6am (excluding Saturday and Sunday nights).

  • Times of works: 20.00 – 06.00
  • Monday 2 December to Friday 6 December, using the existing traffic lights, without diversions – 5 nights – this will be preparation work for resurfacing.
  • Monday 9 December to Friday 13 December, night-time road closure with local diversions in place – 5 nights – this will be for resurfacing and white lining.

The diversions will be signposted. Details of the planned routes are outlined in the Traffic Management Plan images shown.

On completion of the overnight works, the work on this section of Midland Road and the Love Lane junction will be complete, the temporary traffic lights will be removed and the new and improved layout road on Midland Road will be fully open to normal usage.

Click on the link below to download this image to zoom in on details:

Click on the link below to download this image to zoom in on details:

Click on the link below to download this image to zoom in on details:

Fire Station Roundabout

Since our last news update, the contaminated materials (asbestos) have now been safely removed and processed off-site. These works have been carried out under guidance from a specialist asbestos consultant and all necessary safety precautions were taken. All screening has now been removed.

The excavation and capping of the new Splitter Island leading from Midland Road has been completed, which can be seen in the images.

The next phase of works to the centre of the roundabout are excavations to create the attenuation pond, along with continued construction of the additional lane on the inside of the roundabout, followed by associated landscaping.

Diversion of some utilities, such as fibre internet, will be carried out in the coming weeks. We do not expect any disruption to services during these diversion works.

We will provide further updates in due course.

Traffic management issues should be reported by phone to: 01564 700241

This number is monitored 24 hours.

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