Improvements works are being undertaken on the Fire Station roundabout and the nearby Midland Road / Love Lane mini roundabout. Details were issued in this news item here: Upgrades to Fire Station roundabout.
The design, construction and traffic management plans for these works have been approved by Gloucestershire County Council as the Highways Authority.
Pedestrians and crossings.
Access for pedestrians will be retained during the works with safe walking routes identified.
The current plans include improvements to be made for pedestrians and cyclists through the refurbishment of the existing subway, the introduction of new at grade crossings with the traffic lights on the eastern and southern arms of the main roundabout, and the existing footpaths will be resurfaced.
We are aware of the opportunity for a new pedestrian crossing on Midland Road and, following discussions with the local people, we had undertaken a pedestrian survey, plan and concept scheme for such a crossing, which we had shared with the local councillors and relevant authorities. We had understood this would facilitate a bid for public funding for a crossing, as this additional crossing is outside the scope of works directly related to The Steadings and works would need to be funded by other sources.
Why is this work being done?
The traffic lights should improve traffic flows through the junction, particularly at peak times whilst also providing safer crossing points for pedestrians and cyclists.
Diversions and road closures.
Whilst there are no diversions and full road closures in place for the majority of the works, there will be a short-term period where roads are closed at night for resurfacing works to be undertaken. The precise dates and times for those closures are yet to be confirmed, this will be agreed with Gloucestershire County Council Highways in due course.
When will work be complete near Love Lane?
Work will continue across the entire area, but the first area to be completed will be the Love Lane and Midland Road junction. Our teams will work on the improvement works in this area through to late October / early November 2024. There will be some overnight local closures for resurfacing work in this area during November which should complete the improvements to the Love Lane and Midland Road junction / mini roundabout. The exact dates are to be confirmed and may need to be adjusted if utilities companies need to carry out any separate works.
Congestion on Kingsmeadow roundabout
We have provided additional signage to help alleviate the build-up of traffic from the Kingsmeadow roundabout to the Fire Station roundabout. There are two lanes for 200 yards that should both be used to then feed in turn as the cones direct traffic to one lane (currently left lane).
A request to GCG Highways Local Highways Manager for yellow boxes to stop blockages on the Kingsmeadow roundabout has been turned down, as it is viewed this would not be effective.
It is hoped the improved signage and manual operation of traffic lights at the Love Lane/Midland Road junction will improve traffic flow.
Why is work being carried out at the Fire Station roundabout rather than Kingsmeadow roundabout?
Details of all planning applications are on the Cotswold District Council planning portal.
The original outline application documents (ref 16/00054/Out) and approval are on this link:
Note: the portal provides access to all the documents including plans, s106 agreements, traffic assessments, officer reports and more. There are over 700 documents.
The relevant planning condition for the Fire Station roundabout is no. 31.
Compensation for disruption to businesses
There is no compensation scheme in relation to the road works, but we will work with businesses where we can to seek to mitigate the impact of the works.
Progress and updates
First week progress to date update, posted 2 August, can be viewed here: Fire Station Roundabout: update on progress to date
This section will be updated with responses to any future Frequently Asked Questions in relation to these works.
If you have any further questions, please contact us.