Works Notification – Highways Improvement Works at Cherrytree Lane
As we begin to prepare for work at The Steadings getting underway, our team will be undertaking improvement works to the existing road infrastructure in accordance with the S106 agreement for the site. The S106 agreement requires the developer to make a number of financial contributions to mitigate any effects of the new development on the existing community.
BDL has worked closely with Gloucestershire County Council Highways team to identify areas of need across the road network requiring investment and remodelling. As a result, one element of our ‘off-site contributions’ under the S106 will be to build a new slip road at the junction of Cherrytree Lane, Burford Road and Stow Road. Congestion quickly builds up at this junction as a result of heavy traffic flow, single lanes and four-way lights. The new slip road will allow vehicles to turn left onto Stow Road A419 which will create extra capacity, ease congestion at the lights and reduce waiting time.
In order to carry out the works as quickly and safely as possible, we have agreed with Gloucestershire County Council Highways team to carry out the bulk of the roadworks (following any enabling works) under a temporary road closure. The road closure will include closing the footpath and the eastbound lane on Burford Road between the services and the A429 junction, plus temporary lights will be installed at the A429/Burford Road/Cherrytree Lane junction for the duration of the work. This work will commence from the 23rd August 2021 and last until the end of the year. Before this work commences, enabling works are due to be carried out under portable traffic signals from 26th July until the road closure is in place from 23rd August. Enabling works refer to any early activity required to prepare the area.
To minimise traffic delays, Gloucestershire County Council Highways team has supported the proposal for a local diversion along the A417 London Road and is looking to implement other possible diversion routes across the wider road network for vehicles and potentially HGV’s coming from the south and north. The additional diversion routes are not yet confirmed, for the latest information please visit our website.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during the works. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and will continue to provide regular updates on the latest news and progress to our mailing list, to the local Councillors, and to share our works updates and newsletters on our website. Please contact our Community Liaison Team with any queries, comments or concerns about these works or the wider development.