Works Notification – Spratsgate Lane, Wilkinson Road and Somerford Road Works
The programme kicked off at the end of June with ‘off-line’ works – which means we were not working on the road network – for the initial setup of the site office and workspace in Wilkinson Road. Until Monday 19th July, temporary traffic lights will remain in place on Wilkinson Road whilst the new ‘bell mouth’ entrance is created which will serve as the access to the site offices. After Monday 19th July, there will be a 30mph speed restriction and carriageway narrowing along Wilkinson Road/Spratsgate Lane, and three-way traffic lights will move onto the Wilkinson Road/Somerford Road junction to allow junction improvement works there to take place safely.
These traffic lights will remain in place until mid-September, at which point there will be a short road closure whilst utility services are installed. During this closure, our contractors will also start connecting the new and old road networks together and commence laying the base surface of the new carriageway. The road will then reopen for a period of approximately 6 – 7 weeks whilst the bulk of the roundabout is formed and the new footpath and roadworks are completed along Somerford Road. During this period the 30mph speed limit will remain in place and the final works along Spratsgate Lane will be carried out under two way traffic management for safety reasons. Following this there will be a further brief road closure whilst the final road surface is laid and the white lining put down. We anticipate that these works will be completed by Christmas, but please note this is subject to change.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during the works. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and will continue to provide regular updates on the latest news and progress to our mailing list, to the local Councillors, and to share our works updates and newsletters on our website. Please contact our Community Liaison Team with any queries, comments or concerns about these works or the wider development.