The Steadings development is 300 acres, one third of this will be retained or improved green space, including spaces for people to enjoy and separately for nature to flourish.
These areas will see improved and enhanced biodiversity gains through the creation of nature rich habitat areas and carefully selected grass, shrub and tree-planting schemes. A network of new ponds and swales combined with the retention of existing and improved woodlands, hedgerows and wildlife corridors, will create improved habitats for nature.
Before commencing work across the development we have instructed independent ecological surveys, these have helped us determine what species are living across the site, and how we can accomodate them or improve their habitats on completion.
The initial ecology surveys have identified the presence of several local and protected species.
We are working with Environmental Dimension Partnership (edp) on environmental planning and design for The Steadings. Read more on the edp website here.
The Steadings has achieved a BwN Design Award for the masterplan and a BwN Full Award (subject to post construction sign off) for the first phase of the new development.
BDL is working towards Building with Nature Awards across future phases.
More details can be found on the Building with Nature website here.
The Steadings will look to acheive a minimum of 10% Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) across the site at completion, but will look to go beyond the 10% as the green spaces mature and develop. This will be monitored and reported via BDL.
“Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is a way of creating and improving natural habitats. BNG makes sure development has a measurably positive impact (‘net gain’) on biodiversity, compared to what was there before development.” (source:
Within The Steadings we are keen to make generous provision for wildlife through a number of initiatives such as the installation of swift bricks, hedgehog friendly fences, and integrated bat tubes.
Within Phase 1 we are trailing 12 integral swift bricks on a row of six new semi-detached homes within the HarperCrewe development, which back onto the allotments on Somerford Road.
We are looking to install further swift bricks and nest boxes in future phases, along with a number of habitat areas and carefully selected grass, shrub and tree-planting schemes to help wildlife thrive