One of the most distinctive features of The Steadings will be the provision of over 40 hectares – almost 100 acres – of green space comprising playing fields, parkland, and informal open spaces.
The existing landscape and heritage assets will be carefully preserved and their settings enhanced, with existing trees and hedgerows retained where possible.
Key significant areas of: Chesterton Ride; Chesterton Meadow; northern greenspace; circular rural links; and Spratsgate Wood, each will be accessible open spaces. Overall the green spaces will include areas of woodland, native shrubs, native hedgerows and different types of grasslands, in order to provide a variety of experiences across the new neighbourhood and to enhance opportunities for wildlife. These key areas will retain existing hedgerows and woodland copses where possible, with minimal cut-throughs for connecting infrastructure.
Close to the renovated Chesterton Farm and the neighbourhood centre, an area has been allocated for allotments and an orchard. Managed via the Community Management Trust (CMT) for non-commercial gardening by residents of The Steadings, this area will be be a great place for growing fruit, vegetables and flowers which not only fosters community and shared experiences but helps with access to fresh and tasty local food.
A network of new ponds and swales will provide visually attractive areas for the community, offer habitats to wildlife, improve water quality and enhance the district’s water environment. The ponds and swales also form part of site-wide water management strategies reducing flood risk and providing a network of sustainable drainage features.
Interconnected green spaces will be reached via attractive footpaths and cycleways providing opportunities to run, walk, cycle and play outside, all serving to promote a green approach to living and healthy lifestyles. The neighbourhood wide network of footpaths and cycleways will link the character areas and make them easily accessible to all residents. Exisiting public footpaths and bridleways will remain and link to the new network, benefiting the wider Chesterton area and beyond.
The Steadings includes part of a Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM), with the rest of the SAM to the south. This area covers a Romano-British settlement with a pre-Roman (possibly Iron Age) component, typical of the Cirencester area. The SAM will be preserved and protected as part of the development with some public access and interpretation.
Across the new neighbourhood there will be a variety of formal and informal recreation and play facilities. The play facilities are defined by three categories:
View the Masterplan to see where the play areas will be located, here.