The Steadings

Fire Station roundabout: update on progress to date. Update No. 1 – 2 August 2024

news update

Week one update: 2 August 2024

As we reach the end of the first week of improvement works to the Fire Station / Watermoor roundabout, and the mini roundabout at Love Lane and Midland Road, we wanted to provide an update on progress to date.

The first week of any infrastructure improvement on a live carriageway can be the slowest, as this ensures the traffic management system is set up and fully operational from both an effectiveness and safety perspective.

Day one involved the layout and operational set up of the traffic management system (such as cones and traffic lights), along with creating the safe working zones. Work to the Love Lane and Midland Road junction footpath areas also began.

During days two to five we have been working on the perimeter of the main roundabout and the areas where the footpaths will be expanded. In the middle of the main roundabout we have removed the additional tree, now that the nesting birds have fledged. This work was carried out under guidance from our Ecology Consultants EDP.

Feedback from the local community on the first days and our own monitoring of the situation highlighted that the traffic management system needed altering, as a result we have provided additional signage to help alleviate the build-up of traffic from the Kingsmeadow roundabout to the Fire Station roundabout. There are two lanes for 200 yards that should both be used to then feed in turn as the cones direct traffic to one lane (currently left lane).

The traffic lights around the Love Lane and Midland Road junction have been switched to manual operation during peak periods to ensure effective traffic flows and reduce congestion in this area. We have also added signage asking drivers to avoid blocking entrances to car parks and business premises along Love Lane.

Our teams will continue to monitor and review the traffic management, taking action to alleviate problems where viable and within our control.

Work will continue across the entire area, but the first area to be completed will be the Love Lane and Midland Road junction. Our teams will work on the improvement works in this area through to late October / early November 2024. There will be some overnight local closures for resurfacing work in this area during November which should complete the improvements to the Love Lane and Midland Road junction / mini roundabout. The exact dates are to be confirmed and may need to be adjusted if utilities companies need to carry out any separate works.

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