The Steadings

Access Road and Landscape Works Update

news update

Further to work commencing in January on The Steadings eastern access road, off the Spratsgate Lane roundabout, we wanted to update local residents on progress to date.

New foul and surface water drains have been installed along the route of the road and the culvert at the entrance has been completed. The temporary substation and temporary water supply ducting work are also complete.

Good progress is being made on the formation of the road, with all excavation and capping complete, and foundations for the kerbs are nearing completion.

In addition, the earthworks have begun in preparation for landscaping work to begin later this month to create the entrance feature. This will then progress to planting the greenspace on the northern boundary and then the road corridor later this year.

If you have any concerns about work being carried out on site, please contact Montel’s Project Manager:

Mr Steve Draper
07918 767 879

You can also contact The Steadings BDL team if you have any queries about these works, or wider queries about the new neighbourhood for Cirencester.
0800 002 9055

Further updates will be posted to the News section of our website in due course.

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